Yesterday we celebrated Noah's first birthday. Noah at one:
- Loves to chase Audrey and Ole. Loves to try to pet them. Sometimes grabs their fur and pulls... but they never swipe at him. They're so good.
- Loves balls and toys that make noise, though he's often just as happy to play with Tupperware or a plastic cup.
- Is very interested in the cabinets. We REALLY need to finish baby proofing.
- Is a picky eater. He's not a big fan of veggies. He likes chicken nuggets, fish sticks, bananas, cheerios, gold fish, and grilled cheese.
- Goes to sleep between 8 and 8:30 pm every night. He's so good about going to bed. I can put him in his crib totally awake, and I never hear a peep out of him until 5:30 am. Knock on wood, he's a great sleeper.
- Loves the bath. He'll cry when I take him out sometimes. He tries to put his whole face in the water-- he loves to drink bath water!
- Has lots of friends. He gets along with all his buddies at daycare and also likes the babies whose mothers were in my moms group last summer. He also likes his friend Sean and his friend Colin (who is 3).
- Is going through a "mommy phase." He wants me to hold him all the time.
- Has at least 7 teeth, and I can tell there are more that are just about here. He's not a fan of getting his teeth brushed.
- Is skinny-- his clothes are often too big around the waist, even when they get too short for him.
- Is cruising around the furniture, but not walking yet. He can stand on his own without holding something for a few seconds only.
- Is babbling. I'm not sure if the "mama" noises he makes are in reference to me or not. I do think he's understanding a lot of what I'm saying. If I say "look at the fan" he always looks up at the ceiling fan.
- Is happy and wonderful and sweet! The best boy in the whole world!
He's the best grandson in the whole wide world, too1
He's the best grandson in the whole wide world, too!
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