Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Dragon

On Sunday, Karen and I took Sean and Noah to the Springfield Mall Halloween event. Not one of my brightest ideas. It was packed with kids, Noah wanted to get out of his stroller and run (or flop down on the mall floor and cry), the line for balloon animals snaked around the mall... so we left and took them to Lane Elementary School's playground. This is where they will both go to school when they're old enough. Anyway, here are some pictures of Noah in his dragon costume. We're planning on going trick-or-treating with Karen and Sean on Friday, so they'll have a second chance to get dressed up.

There's a dragon in my bathroom!

I love the wings and tail on his costume.

Here are the buddies smiling at each other while they were in the balloon animal line (we opted to do balloon animals next year rather than continue to wait).

And here is Yoda chasing the dragon.
The school has a really cool map of the US painted on the black top.

A New Red Jacket

Here's Mr. Red Riding Hood in his Fall jacket. Thanks to Grandmoo!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Columbus Day Weekend

Here are some more pictures from Noah's visit last weekend with his Grandmoo and Grandpa.

Noah tried out his bathrobe. It's super cute, but totally not practical.
I think he's going for the Hugh Hefner look.
Noah loves when Grandpa reads to him.
Here he is reading with Uncle Myles... reading a book on wine... not your typical todler book.

On the last day of his visit with his grandparents, we went to Clemyjontri.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Burke Fall Festival

Noah's Grandmoo and Grandpa are visiting us for the long weekend. On Saturday, we went to the Fall Festival at the Burke nursery. Noah had a wonderful time. There were so many things to see and do. It really helped to have this little monkey harness so that he couldn't get too far ahead of me too quickly.

Here he is playing in a pirate ship.

He loved being on this merry-go-round, but I had to go around and around to hold onto him and make sure he didn't fall.

And Noah always loves slides.

He especially loved this very big slide.

Noah got to choose a pumpkin to take home.

Here he is having a snack of goldfish. This goldfish got stuck to his lip with boogers. Gross

Not one to waste goldfish, Noah quickly put it in his mouth... ewww....

Check us out on the big slide. Noah was off and running as soon as we got to the bottom!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Visiting Sienna

Last night we went to visit Noah's friend Sienna and her mommy and daddy for dinner, and got to meet up with Mia and her parents and Greydon and his parents (all from the INOVA moms group). We had a wonderful time (thank you Mimi and Quinn). Noah LOVED playing with Sienna's cool toys. Sadly, my pictures came out terribly, and I don't have a single good one with the other kids. Here are a couple mediocre ones of Noah.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Boo Boo at the Playground

Noah and I went to the little tot lot close to our home today. He had a wonderful time until he fell down and bit his lip. Amazing how much they bleed for little boo boos. Here he is before the unfortunate incident. The video here looks like I just let him go down the slide on his own. Rest asure, I am right behind him ready to catch him on his way up and holding onto him on his way down (this is now when he hurt himself). But you can see how he just wants to climb all over the place.
He really enjoys playing on the slides. Look how staticky his hair gets.
Noah also liked watching people play tennis. And yelling out "ball, ball" whenever he caught sight of the ball.

He's Got the Giggles

This video is exceptionally dark, but you can hear Noah giggling at Darren, who was impersonating Ole.

Playing with Cars

Noah's favorite toys du jour are cars. Sometimes when he plays with them, he'll say "vroom vroom." You can sort of hear it here.