Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 29, 2008

Animals of the Southern Hemisphere

Noah loves this map of the world with animals that we got for him for his birthday back in June. He's not tall enough yet to know the animals in the Northern hemisphere, but he's getting really good at identifying the animals in the Southern hemisphere.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

Noah had a wonderful Christmas morning opening presents. He was very interested in all the wrapping paper! Darren and I got him a slide (and a few other gifts), so there's a video of him going down the slide below (it starts out dark, but doesn't stay that way.).

Grandmoo and Grandpa got him this tunnel.

Christmas Eve

Noah's Grandmoo and Grandpa are visiting us this week to celebrate Christmas (it's Christmas with the Jews at our house!). Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve when we opened our stockings.

Noah's Auntie Lisa made this stocking for him.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The First Night of Hanukkah

The first night of Hanukkah was last Sunday. Noah's Aunt Lisa and Uncle Myles came over for dinner and presents. Lisa and I sang the prayers for the first time in years. Not that Noah has any idea what we're doing, but I'd like to make sure Hanukkah remains a tradition for him, rather than just doing Christmas.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dinner at Greydon's House

We had dinner last night at Noah's friend Greydon's (and his parents') house. Same crowd as usual. We like doing this monthly dinner with the kids thing. Of course, my pictures all came out badly as usual (I so want a new camera).


Setting Up The Christmas Tree

Last weekend, we put up our Christmas tree. This is the first time Darren and I have gotten one (despite doing an ornament exchange with my sister and brother-in-law for the last several years). It was my first Christmas tree ever except for one year when I lived with my friend Patty. It was Darren's first real Christmas tree ever. I'm proud to say it has been a week and it is still standing and doesn't look dead (amazing as neither of us is a "plant person" to say the least. Noah is really excited about it. He points at it all the time and tries to say tree.

Here are the guys setting up the tree. Noah seems more interested in our lamp.
The final product.