Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Zachary 2-months Stats

This photo was taken on Zachary's 2-month birthday.  Look at those cheeks!  He has filled in a lot in the last month and it showed during his doctors appointment the following week.  He weighed in at 10lbs, 11oz, which is the 11th percentile, a big jump from last month when he was 1st percentile.  He is now 23 inches tall, which is 41st percentile, again a big jump.  His head is in the 73rd percentile!  Smart kid.

He had his first DTaP/Hib/IPV shot, Prevnar and the Rotovirus oral vax.  They now combine DTaP, Hib and IPV into 1 inoculation, which is great.  Poor Noah had to get 4 injections at his 2 month appointment, but Zachary only needed 2 because of this new combined shot.

Zachary almost never cries.  The evening after he got his shots he cried for about half an hour strait and was hard to sooth.  That's the most I've ever heard him cry!  He's such a good boy!

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