Today is Noah's second birthday. Noah at two:
- Is just such a wonderful little boy. I am constantly amazed at everything he does and how quickly he learns thing.
- Likes to repeat the names of everyone in our family over and over again. "Mama, Daddy, Noah, Ole, Audrey."
- Loves to count and say the alphabet. He knows all his numbers, letters, shapes and colors.
- Adores both of the cats. Sometimes he pulls their tails, but he is usually really good about petting them gently. And, they love him too, believe it or not.
- Likes to play with blocks, duplos, toy cars and trucks, and puzzles. He is not at all interested in stuffed animals or dolls (I swear, I always thought I would socialize any sons I had to like dolls just as much as a daughter would, but Noah has no interest at all in them).
- Enjoys books more than any toy. His favorites are Mo Willems books (Knuffle Bunny and the Pigeon series), Good Night Moon, Tikki Tikki Tembo, Rex, Fox in Socks, Beep Beep Toot Toot, Tip Tip Dig Dig and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
- Is still a picky eater-- though you wouldn't know it considering how much he has grown! His favorite meal is hot dogs and fries. I try to give him turkey hot dogs, but he really likes the beef ones much more. He's not a fan of vegetables, but he loves fruit, especially apples, oranges and strawberries.
- Goes to sleep around 8:15 pm. Every night I read him at least one story and then we brush his teeth, and then he goes right down without any problems at all. Sadly, he's still an early riser, usually up by 5:30 am.
- Has wonderful friends-- Mia, Sienna, Greydon, Sean, Gabriel, Isaiah, Sophia and Micah.
- Loves to jump and run. Darren and I gave him a tricycle for his birthday, and he is really enjoying riding it.
- Is finally starting to tell me when he has a dirty diaper ("poopey mama"), so maybe we're a small step closer to toilet training???
- Loves the color yellow. I don't know why, but it is definitely his favorite.
- Is usually well behaved, though he has his meltdowns at times. Right now, he's trying to assert his independence over what he wears every day. The problem is that he just says no to everything and then throws a fit when I try to put something on him. He always screams if it's not yellow, but sometimes he doesn't even want the yellow clothing item, so I just give up and put him in whatever I want to dress him in. But overall, he is such a good kid.
- Has made me so happy. I just can't imagine life without him.
Here's a link to Noah at one.
1 comment:
Very impressive post. Yay Noah. We all love you, too.
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