This morning Noah,
Grandmoo, Papa and I went to Butler's Orchard in Maryland for their annual "
Bunnyland" festival. We met up with Noah's friends Sienna and
Greydon and their families. Noah was a bit moody, and less sociable than he usually is. But he enjoyed the slides and the animals. He was very upset though when it was time to go home (his new cousin was born today, so we really needed to leave
Bunnyland) and he cried (SCREAMED) the entire 1-hour car ride home. It wasn't pleasant.
Noah was much better behaved last night when his friend Sophia and her parents came over for dinner. I have no pictures from that-- mostly because we were having too much of a good time to take pictures. Gretta (Sophia's mom) brought fantastic Lebanese food from her father's restaurant. It was amazing. Though, I can still taste the garlic in my mouth. Noah and Sophia played all evening and had so much fun.
Here are the Butler's Orchard pictures:

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