While we were in Connecticut last weekend, we got a chance to see a couple of my friends from high school-- my friend Heather and her family and my friend Laura and her family. Heather and Laura have 3 kids each, so all in all there were 7 of them playing outside in the pool. Vera, Heather's oldest, was the oldest of the lot at the ripe old age of 4.
From left to right below:
Elle (age 2), Lynn (age 3), Katie (age 2), Noah (age nearly 2), Vera (age 4), and Ben (age 2)

Ben and Elle (the two pictures below) are Heather's twins that are just a few weeks older than Noah, though Noah is a fair bit bigger/heavier than they are.

And here is number 7, little Erin, Laura's youngest at about 6 months old.

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