This year we joined a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm. They will deliver a big basket of vegetables and fruit to our house once a week from a local farm about an hour away called Great Country Farms. While the farm itself is not 100 percent organic according to the rules set up by the US Govt., most of the produce is pesticide free and they use entirely sustainable farming practices. Included with the CSA is a membership to the farm itself, so this weekend, we drove out to our new farm to check it out. It is strawberry picking time, so we figured we would do that too. Noah's friends Mia and Greydon and their families joined us (they are also CSA members). The farm is incredible! There is so much to do there. Lots of animals, a little mini golf course, a maze (we didn't see that), rides, tractors to climb on, and a huge bouncy platform that is the size of an Olympic pool (Ok, Darren insists I'm exagerting here, but it is really huge). There was so much to do there, we couldn't fit it all into one morning. We might go back next weekend.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Last Trip to Connecticut
We spent last weekend in Connecticut visiting my parents. This was probably the last time I'll ever go "home" because my parents are selling their house so that they can move down to Virginia to be closer to us. Fingers crossed that it sells soon.
Noah had fun playing at the new playground recently put in at the school where my mother is a teacher.

Noah had fun playing at the new playground recently put in at the school where my mother is a teacher.

Seven Kids age 4 and Younger
While we were in Connecticut last weekend, we got a chance to see a couple of my friends from high school-- my friend Heather and her family and my friend Laura and her family. Heather and Laura have 3 kids each, so all in all there were 7 of them playing outside in the pool. Vera, Heather's oldest, was the oldest of the lot at the ripe old age of 4.
From left to right below:
Elle (age 2), Lynn (age 3), Katie (age 2), Noah (age nearly 2), Vera (age 4), and Ben (age 2)

Ben and Elle (the two pictures below) are Heather's twins that are just a few weeks older than Noah, though Noah is a fair bit bigger/heavier than they are.

And here is number 7, little Erin, Laura's youngest at about 6 months old.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Yellow Yellow Yellow
Noah is very interested in colors these days. He especially likes yellow... or rather he insists on wearing yellow all the time, and we simply do not have enough yellow clothes to accommodate him. Every morning he now goes through his shirt drawer and picks out a yellow top. If there is nothing yellow he throws a massive fit. This was funny at first. It's not funny anymore. it has been going on for about 2 weeks now. There are other colors he likes, but he doesn't seem interested in wearing them. Specifically, he likes purple and orange, or as he calls it "edgy." Not sure why, but orange is always edgy (because I think he can say orange if he wants to). He has two cylinder shaped blocks-- one orange, one purple-- and he walks around holding them saying "puple and edgy puple and edgy." And if I wear anything purple, he will periodically come up to me, point at me and say "puple." But for him, it's got to be yellow. If I put him in something that is not yellow, he pulls his shirt away from his body as if it is burning him and yells "yellow yellow yellow." It's really not funny anymore.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Welcome Liam
Mother's Day at the Zoo
We spent the morning at the zoo today to celebrate mother's day. Noah's favorite animals were the meerkats (because they were close up in a glass enclosure and were running back and forth right in front of him). He enjoyed the other animals too, but seemed just as interested in pointing out the color of the garbage and recycling cans as he was in the animals.

Here we are before the outing. Noah doesn't like to look at the camera.

Taking a juice break by the elephants.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Table and Chairs
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mia's House
We had our monthly get together dinner last night with Noah's friends Mia, Sienna and Greydon and their families. This time Mia hosted. Mia is going to be a big sister very very soon. So soon that it's amazing to me that Mia's mommy Mara has the energy to have all of us over to her house for dinner.
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