On Sunday, Karen and I took Sean and Noah to the Springfield Mall Halloween event. Not one of my brightest ideas. It was packed with kids, Noah wanted to get out of his stroller and run (or flop down on the mall floor and cry), the line for balloon animals snaked around the mall... so we left and took them to Lane Elementary School's playground. This is where they will both go to school when they're old enough. Anyway, here are some pictures of Noah in his dragon costume. We're planning on going trick-or-treating with Karen and Sean on Friday, so they'll have a second chance to get dressed up.
There's a dragon in my bathroom!

I love the wings and tail on his costume.

Here are the buddies smiling at each other while they were in the balloon animal line (we opted to do balloon animals next year rather than continue to wait).

And here is Yoda chasing the dragon.

The school has a really cool map of the US painted on the black top.

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