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Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Fire Station

Today was the annual open house at all the Fairfax County fire stations. Noah and Sophia went over after gymnastics. We've done this now for the last 3 years, but Noah still really enjoys it. His favorite part today was watching the ladder go up on the truck. I just love this picture of the two of them. So sweet.


Noah and Sophia have been taking a Saturday morning gymnastics class over at the Lee District Rec Center. I usually forget to bring my camera, but had it in my bag this morning. Noah is really enjoying it, and we love Ms. Rachel, his teacher.

Here are some videos from this morning's class. The first is during their warm up and the second is Noah doing a forward role. There are usually several other boys in the class, but none of them were there today except for Noah.

Grandma Jean Visits

Grandma Jean left us today after a 2 plus week visit. The house will feel pretty empty without her. The first picture above is one that Noah took. Pretty good for just playing around with the camera. The second is from our trip today to the fire station open house.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Burke Fall Festival

We spent Sunday morning at the Burke Fall Festival with Evie, Sophia and their respective parents. It was a beautiful day after a week of non-stop rain. We had meant to go the previous weekend, but it would have been a mud pit.

Noah went on his first ever pony ride. He looks very serious.

He enjoyed this roundabout ride a bit more than Sophia did.

And no trip is complete without the big slide.