One of the items our
CSA sends us in our weekly veggie deliveries is herb plants. We will get 10 weeks of herbs out of our 20 weeks of deliveries. We got our first one this week-- dill, which is one of my favorites. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I do NOT have a green thumb in any way, shape or form, but Noah and I are going to have a go at an herb
garden this year. He enjoys watering things, so it will be Noah's job to water the herbs every night.
I'm a little afraid that the family of bunnies we have living under our patio may make a meal of the dill. They are so cute though. The other night Darren called us downstairs because the three little babies-- small enough to fit in my hand-- were out just staring in through the sliding glass doors. Poor Ole was really going insane with cat instinct. Noah got a real kick out seeing them.

In this picture Noah is doing a better job watering his shoe than he is of watering the dill.

Yeah, he's nowhere near it here either.