He's growing up. He used to be unable to pronounce the letter M, so he called in Muhna (he also called N Muhna). Now he says M very clearly (less so with N). But I'm amazed at how well he knows his letters in general. There are a couple he still can't say (C and W seem to be the most difficult), but he recognizes them all and even knows alpha order to some extent. He also can count (when he wants to) and knows the order of the numbers up to 9, except he can't say 7, so he goes from 6 to 8.
He also used to be unable to say Meow. Instead, if you asked him what a kitty says, he would laugh and say ollie ollie ollie (one of our cats is named ole, pronounced ollie). Then he started to say something that sounded like Mein for Meow. Now he just says Meow. In fact, he says it a lot. Follows the cats around the house yelling out Meow. The other morning, I woke up to hearing him talking to himself in his crib saying Meow Meow Kitty Kitty Meow Cat...
Sometimes I miss Muhna and ollie ollie ollie.