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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Playing in the Leaves

On Sunday, Noah and I met up with Sean and Karen for a walk and some fun at the tot lot. Here they are playing in the dead leaves that have gathered between the edge of the mulch for the tot lot and the fence that separates it from the tennis courts.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Noah's Days at School

Noah's wonderful teachers, Ms. Sangeeta and Ms. Danette, sent me some pictures of Noah at school playing with his friends.

Snack Time

Here is Isaiah helping Noah put his shoe back on.

He seems very pleased with this football.

I think this was the day of the big snow storm because I know they decided to bring some snow inside so the kids could play with it, rather than having them go outside in it and get their shoes all wet. (Sophia is on Noah's right, Gabriel is on Noah's left, and Micah is across from him.)

Lunch (the proof that when he's at daycare, he really will eat pasta, just not for me.)

Nap Time

Art Time

Communal drawing

Just having fun...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pajama Time!

"Jamma to the left. Jamma to the right. Jamma Jamma Jamma Jamma P.J.s!" Can you tell I've been reading a lot of Sandra Boynton books these days?

Yesterday was our turn to host the monthly get together with my mommy friends and their families. Here are the kids hanging out together in their P.J.s (from left to right: Sienna, Noah, Greydon and Mia).

Our Last Blast Off Class

Yesterday was our last Blast Off For Babies class. Every Saturday morning for the last 10 weeks we've gone to the soft playroom at the Lee District Rec Center for this class. Noah has loved it, and we've met some nice friends. Here are a few videos from yesterday. The last one is my favorite. One of the games they play at this class is the "Freeze Dance" where the kids dance around with some sort of noise maker until the music stops and then they're supposed to freeze. Then the music starts up again and they're supposed to dance again. It's so cute.

Now, I don't know what we'll do on Saturday mornings... good thing the weather is getting nicer.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Football Kit

The good news is that Noah's football kit finally fits him (here's a post from last May where he's swimming in it). The bad news is that AIG sponsors Manchester United-- though probably not for much longer-- and I'm not sure I want my toddler wearing a shirt with the AIG logo on it given the controversy over what that company has done...

Here's a cute video from this morning. Noah had to show off his cute belly.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Playing at the Tot Lot

Today was a nice warm day, so we took a walk over to the tot lot so Noah could run around outside. Here are some pics from the outing. Earlier, Darren took him to get his hair cut. He looks like such a little boy now.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Visiting with the Grandparents

Noah's Grandmoo and Grandpa came to visit him this weekend. They took him to Blast Off for Babies class on Saturday morning while Darren and I went to our accountant. He had a great time.

Here are some photos of just hanging out at home.

Forward Facing

Noah was nearing the weight and height limits for rear facing in his car seat, so we've switched him around to forward facing at long last. He seems so vulnerable this way, but he's clearly enjoying the new views. He sits in the back laughing to himself while we drive.