Monday, June 30, 2008
No More Nursing
Now that Noah is a year old, we've come to the end of breastfeeding. It's both a good and bad thing. I planned on stopping as soon as he turned one, but we kept on for a few more days because... well because we just did. But he didn't nurse all weekend, so I think it's finally really over. I'm really glad that we made it through the first year, which was my goal. Noah really struggled in the beginning with latching on, but then he became a real pro. I look back at those early days and how my life was totally consumed with breastfeeding, and it's amazing sometimes that we stuck with it. In a strange way, I'll really miss the close connection that I think it brought us, but it's time to move on.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Noah Celebrates Mia's Birthday
Noah went to a birthday party for his friend Mia today. Mia and her mommy were at the "moms" group at the hospital that Noah and I went to last summer. He also got to see his other friends Sienna, Greydon and Anna.

Here's Noah playing with a balloon. Sienna is in the background playing with a ring.

Noah is definitely a water baby. He'd stay in the pool all day. But, he had to get out because the Misquitos were making a meal of him.

Noah also took the opportunity to show off his skills at standing without holding onto anything. I finally had my camera in hand so I could take a picture of him doing this.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
12 Month Statistics
Today we had Noah's 12 month doctor appointment. He weighed in at 22 lbs even (about 45th percentile) and measured 30 inches (about 55th percentile). He had two shots-- prevnar/pneumoccocal (one of the meningitis shots) and the first of the Hep A series. I thought he would get his MMR vaccine today too, but the doctor says at our practice they do that at the 15 month appointment. He also had his toe pricked so they could check to see if he's anemic (he's not). I thought he was going to scream when the nurse did that, but he barely seemed to notice. He did however notice it when he got the shots (he screamed then) but he was fine as soon as I picked him up. In fact, he seemed to be so back to his normal self, that I actually dropped him at daycare and went to work.
In addition to the 7 teeth he already has, he has five more that are just starting to come through, including four molars!! Ouch. He's allowed to be a little cranky I guess.
In addition to the 7 teeth he already has, he has five more that are just starting to come through, including four molars!! Ouch. He's allowed to be a little cranky I guess.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Noah at One

Yesterday we celebrated Noah's first birthday. Noah at one:
- Loves to chase Audrey and Ole. Loves to try to pet them. Sometimes grabs their fur and pulls... but they never swipe at him. They're so good.
- Loves balls and toys that make noise, though he's often just as happy to play with Tupperware or a plastic cup.
- Is very interested in the cabinets. We REALLY need to finish baby proofing.
- Is a picky eater. He's not a big fan of veggies. He likes chicken nuggets, fish sticks, bananas, cheerios, gold fish, and grilled cheese.
- Goes to sleep between 8 and 8:30 pm every night. He's so good about going to bed. I can put him in his crib totally awake, and I never hear a peep out of him until 5:30 am. Knock on wood, he's a great sleeper.
- Loves the bath. He'll cry when I take him out sometimes. He tries to put his whole face in the water-- he loves to drink bath water!
- Has lots of friends. He gets along with all his buddies at daycare and also likes the babies whose mothers were in my moms group last summer. He also likes his friend Sean and his friend Colin (who is 3).
- Is going through a "mommy phase." He wants me to hold him all the time.
- Has at least 7 teeth, and I can tell there are more that are just about here. He's not a fan of getting his teeth brushed.
- Is skinny-- his clothes are often too big around the waist, even when they get too short for him.
- Is cruising around the furniture, but not walking yet. He can stand on his own without holding something for a few seconds only.
- Is babbling. I'm not sure if the "mama" noises he makes are in reference to me or not. I do think he's understanding a lot of what I'm saying. If I say "look at the fan" he always looks up at the ceiling fan.
- Is happy and wonderful and sweet! The best boy in the whole world!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A Birthday Party for Noah
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Standing on His Own
Last night Noah stood on his own without holding onto something for the first time. He did it for about 10 seconds and then plopped down on his tush. Sadly, I was not quick enough to get the camera.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Here are my two guys on Darren's first Father's Day.
Noah "made" this tie for Darren at school for a Father's Day present.
His handprint is at the bottom
All Boxed Up
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Just Steps from Walking
Noah is really into his push car, as you can see in these videos. Of course, he has some problems stearing, and will go strait into a wall or other object and then bang into it over and over again until I come and redirect him. His ability to take steps while pushing it has improved a lot over the last week, and I think he'll probably be walking soon. Maybe by his birthday, which is coming up two weeks from tomorrow.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
One Year Portrait-- Thank you Rashmi
The photographer who took Noah's pictures when he was just shy of four months old came over on Thursday and took pictures of Noah again. She is really wonderful, and I would totally recommend her to anyone looking for a photographer. For anyone interested, her web site is
Here is a link to the photos
Click on "Noah" and use the password "jens"
For comparison sake, take a look at these photos, the first is from the session we just had with Rashmi, and the second is from our first session with her last October (I've gotten her permission to post these on the blog, so no copyright infringement). See how much he's grown!
Here is a link to the photos
Click on "Noah" and use the password "jens"
For comparison sake, take a look at these photos, the first is from the session we just had with Rashmi, and the second is from our first session with her last October (I've gotten her permission to post these on the blog, so no copyright infringement). See how much he's grown!

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Just Goofing Around
We had a pretty low key weekend. The biggest news is that Noah cut a fifth tooth. He got the first four pretty much all at once several months ago, but it has taken ages for another one to pop up.
On Friday, Noah came into work with me for a little while. It's definitely hard to get anything productive done when he's there. On Saturday, we ran errands and Noah and I went to the swings in the afternoon. On Sunday, we had a long walk with Karen and Sean, and then the four of us had lunch together. It was the first time I ever ordered Noah his own meal (grilled cheese at Panera). In the late afternoon we went to the pool for a little while. Noah and I went in the kiddy pool, which is about one foot deep, while Darren sat by the side and watched. Noah had a good time- especially when he decided it would be great fun to put his whole face in the water to blow bubbles and drink the pool water. He thought that was just great. Of course, I forgot o bring my camera to the pool, but here are some random pictures and video from the weekend.

The video below is really dark, but it was so cute watching Noah roll around with this stuffed lamb. He keeps making a girgling noise, which I thought was funny.
On Friday, Noah came into work with me for a little while. It's definitely hard to get anything productive done when he's there. On Saturday, we ran errands and Noah and I went to the swings in the afternoon. On Sunday, we had a long walk with Karen and Sean, and then the four of us had lunch together. It was the first time I ever ordered Noah his own meal (grilled cheese at Panera). In the late afternoon we went to the pool for a little while. Noah and I went in the kiddy pool, which is about one foot deep, while Darren sat by the side and watched. Noah had a good time- especially when he decided it would be great fun to put his whole face in the water to blow bubbles and drink the pool water. He thought that was just great. Of course, I forgot o bring my camera to the pool, but here are some random pictures and video from the weekend.

The Best Part of the Present
The present I ordered for Noah for his 1 year birthday arrived the other day. Obviously, we are saving it until he actually turns 1 (June 23!!). But we did let him play with some of the paper packaging it came with.
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