Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Success in the Search for Swings

I've been searching for baby swings ever since the weather got nicer. Finally, thanks to another Kingstowne parent, I found out that there are swings just around the corner (basically) from our house, and I just never knew about them. Noah had a great time.

And of course, we had to go on the slide as well.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


We had a couple of "firsts" today. Noah has been pulling himself into a standing position for about a month now, but only doing so spuratically until this week. Now standing is all he wants to do. Today for the first time he cruised from one chair to another. He also took and held his bottle himself for the first time ever (at least for the first time while I've been feeding him. I'm told he will feed himself when he is with one of his daycare providers, but not with the others). We are waiting to see if he has another first today because that would make a hat trick.

The next day: We had the hat trick, though maybe not a first I would have wanted. Noah learned how to turn the television on.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Beautiful Afternoon

Noah loves to play outside.
He's very interested in eating grass, which I try to prevent.
He also thought this dandilion might be tasty.
Yum Yum.

Noah is Ten Months Old!

Noah turned ten months old on April 23.
He looks more and more like a little boy and less like a baby every day.

He's still really into chasing our cats. Here is he is petting Audrey.

And now she has decided she has had enough of that.
But he tries to follow after her anyway.
He actually was able to climb up a stair for the first time the night before this picture was taken, but he couldn't remember how he did that, so she was safe in the dining room.

A Visit with Grandmoo and Grandpa

Last weekend my parents, Noah's Grandmoo and Grandpa, came to visit. For years (literaly most of my life) I've called my mother "moo," so now she is Grandmoo. Yes, I know it sounds like she is the grand pooba for some strange lodge association, but we like it. On Saturday we went to the Lee County Rec Center (where we have our swimming class) and walked around the grounds. Here is a picture of Noah with his Grandpa.


Loath though I am to post a picture of myself in a bathingsuit, here is a picture from a recent swim class. this is actually from nearly two weeks ago. We did not go last week because it was raining and Noah was falling asleep.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Self Feeding

The Prisoner

Last week we put up the first gate, which blocks off the kitchen from the living and dining rooms, and will keep Noah away from the stairs. The cats don't quite know what to make of it, but they're not happy.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Some other early favorites

Blogger won't let me upload more than five pictures at a time... so this is kind of a continuation of the last post.
Noah at 7 months

He looks like a drunken Irishman in this picture. He wore that blue hat all last summer and into the fall, and I will always associate it with the time I was home with him (though this shot was taken after I had gone back to work and Darren was home with him). Noah is just over 3 months old here.

This is one of Noah's first experiences eating solid food. This is rice cereal-- which he still hates. In fact, he seems to despise all cereals. It took him a long time to decide he liked food other than breast milk. He's almost 5 months old here

This picture was taken at my parents house in Connecticut when we went to visit them over Christmas. It was the first time Noah sat up on his own without me holding him. He had just turned 6 months old

This picture is just one of my favorites. He's just over 7 months old.

Noah month 2 to month 6

Noah at 2 Months

Noah at 3 months

Noah at 4 months

Noah at 5 months

Noah at 6 months

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Some Pictures from Noah's first month

Since I didn't start this blog until Noah was almost 8 months old, I thought I would share some earlier pictures of him so folks could see how much he has changed.

This is his first day of life. He came in weighting 7 lbs 2.9 oz and was 19 inches long.

Here is Noah's first bath at home.

I just liked this picture because you can see how little he is. Love those chicken legs!

This is Noah's one month birthday.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Yesterday Noah got this balloon when we went to Trader Joe's. He thought it was hillarious when I bounced it on his head.

Last night our friend Lisa came to visit and today Noah and I had swim class. He is getting very good at blowing bubbles, though he's also very interested in drinking the pool water.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Chase The Ball

Noah and Audrey have something in common. They both like to chase after Noah's ball. This is a great game!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Shoes

We in the Lamb-Schwartz household are always looking for shoes that will stay on Noah's feet ("we" might be too strong a word, as I don't think Darren thinks about this at all). Anyway, I just got these cute little pedipeds, and they actually seem to work!! They are so cute.