Noah and Zachary
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Noah at 5
I am really far behind with the blog-- too much to really catch up entirely-- but I did want to log in Noah's and Zachary's recent stats. (And, I'm back dating this post to June, even though it's August) So here is Noah at 5:
45 and 1/4 inches tall- 91st percentile
44.3 lbs- 74th percentile
I had a harder time with Noah turning 5 than I have in previous years. It just seems like he's such a big kid now. And he's about to head off to Kindergarten at Lane Elementary too. I can't believe it. The night before his 5th birthday, I had a hard time saying goodnight, knowing it would be the last time I said goodnight to my 4 year old.
Things he's into: Angry Birds, Ninjago, Star Wars, but garbage trucks remain his absolute favorite. He loves his ipod touch, or playing aps on my iphone. Too much technology.
School: Noah is doing a wonderful job with reading. He has a ton of sight words memorized, and he can sound things out when he wants to as well. He was in the top reading group in his pre-K class this past year. He would bring home reading homework every Friday, but it was almost a joke how easy is was for him to do. He's also doing really well in Math. Absolutely top of his class. I think he's going into K with more skills than I had when I left 1st grade. He also loves science (Mad Science at Little Acorn Patch), and is a general curious, intelligent little boy.
Sports: This year Noah took a gymnastics class, a soccer class, and swimming. He did a wonderful job with all of them. We'll probably do some private swimming lessons at some point, as I think he's gotten as much as he can fromt he group lessons. He has no problem going under water at all, and will dive for toys. But, he still needs to learn real swimming technique for swimming with his head above the water. He did a fantastic job with soccer though, and really seems adept in that area. Next summer, I think we'll do soccer camp for a while. He seems pretty athletic overall, so I'd like to make sure he has the option to really learn some sports. He'll also watch just about any sport on TV, including things like Golf or Tennis. Speaking of Golf, he loves it. Grandmoo and Papa got him real clubs for his birthday. He also loves mini golf.
Movies/TV Shows: Noah still likes watching things like 101 Dalmatians, the Lion King, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, etc, but he would rather watch TV shows on DVD than sit down for a full movie. He really loves Scooby Doo right now. That's probably his favorite
Brotherly Love: Noah is a wonderful little boy. He is the best brother imaginable. He is so good with Zachary, and Zachary totally adores him. He loves when Noah plays with him and will laugh his little head off. Noah is really patient with him, much more than I thought he would be. It is really wonderful to watch them develop such a good relationship.
Friends: Noah is still friends with all the old friends-- Sophia, Greydon, Mia, Sienna, Sean-- and has met tons of new friends at school. His best friend at school is Gabriel (a different Gabriel), but he has lots of other good school friends.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Zachary 2-months Stats
This photo was taken on Zachary's 2-month birthday. Look at those cheeks! He has filled in a lot in the last month and it showed during his doctors appointment the following week. He weighed in at 10lbs, 11oz, which is the 11th percentile, a big jump from last month when he was 1st percentile. He is now 23 inches tall, which is 41st percentile, again a big jump. His head is in the 73rd percentile! Smart kid.
He had his first DTaP/Hib/IPV shot, Prevnar and the Rotovirus oral vax. They now combine DTaP, Hib and IPV into 1 inoculation, which is great. Poor Noah had to get 4 injections at his 2 month appointment, but Zachary only needed 2 because of this new combined shot.
Zachary almost never cries. The evening after he got his shots he cried for about half an hour strait and was hard to sooth. That's the most I've ever heard him cry! He's such a good boy!
Friday, April 13, 2012
A week at Grandmoo and Papa's house
Noah, Zachary and I (and Audrey and Ole) spent a week with Grandmoo and Papa while we had new floors put in in the living and dining rooms. I wondered if the fun of Grandmoo and Papa's house would wear off on Noah after being there for a week. Nope. I swear that kid could be there forever.
And here are the new floors
Monday, March 12, 2012
Zachary's 1-month Stats

Clemijontri with Evie
Swimming Lessons
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